
Feel free to contact us to further support you. All of our therapists are registered clinical counsellors approved by: the BCACC and as ICBC vendors.

How much does it cost?

Change can be daunting and we value your courage to take the steps needed to make sense of all that is happening in your life. As such, we recognize that counselling involves a financial and personal commitment to this process of overcoming challenges and creating an improved sense of well-being. We believe you are worth this!

We are committed to honesty and integrity in this process and together, collaborate on the amount of sessions needed.

Our hourly rate is $140-165 including GST (as per the fee schedule assigned by the BCACC, CPACC). Payment is accepted at each session by cash, e-transfer, debit, or credit card. Please ensure you give 48 hours notice for cancellation or sessions will be charged accordingly except for extenuating circumstances.

In some cases, we may be able to offer counselling services on a sliding scale, so please don’t hesitate to ask if this is of interest to you. We are happy to discuss your options and assist you in receiving the guidance you deserve.

Professional fees for seminars or group therapy sessions are dependent on a number of factors, including amount or length of sessions or the number of members attending. Please feel free to ask us directly for a quote.

Coverage options

Private Insurance: As Registered Clinical Counsellors (RCC), many private insurance companies may cover your counselling services, please contact your insurer to check coverage prior to the first session. Typically clients are directly billed and then complete their own reimbursement process with their extended coverage/insurance company. Please let us know if you have any questions or need further support with this.

ICBC: Car accidents can be traumatizing and impact many aspects of your life. You can qualify for psychological support funding for counselling therapy if you have been involved in a car accident in B.C. and HAVE:

  • been psychologically and/or emotionally impacted by the accident (struggling with anxiety, grief, loss, PTSD, etc.)
  • Have an open claim number through ICBC and/or are
  • Already working with a lawyer and/or
  • Eligible for Part 7
Please visit ICBC claims page here: https://www.icbc.com/claims/injury/accessing-treatment-during-your-first-12-weeks-of-recovery Feel free to contact us to further support you. All of our therapists are registered clinical counsellors approved by the BCACC and qualify for funding through ICBC. Crime Victim Assistance Program: If you are a victim of a crime, a witness of a crime or someone who is supporting a victim, you can apply to the BC Crime Victim Assistance Program for assistance with necessary services, including counselling. CVAP provides coverage for counselling services for approved claimants. As approved counsellors with CVAP, we can offer you the care and specialised support you require as you process and move through your ordeal. Please feel free to contact us for further information regarding CVAP, or you can access CVAP directly here: Victim’s Assistance Services 604-660-3888 1-866-660-3888 (toll free) Additional Government Funding: You may qualify for additional government funding (ie. Autism funding, Post-Adoption Assistance Program via MCFD adoption etc. If you would like further support or have questions related to this, please contact us. Our cancellation policy We ask that you give 48 hours notice for cancellation or sessions will be charged accordingly (except for extenuating circumstances).

“Your greatest self has been waiting your whole life; don’t make it wait any longer.”

– Dr. S. Maraboli