Resources & Blog

“I believe the world is one big family and we need to help each other.”
– J. Lee


One thing we know to be true of our team is that we love learning.  Following is a collection of resources that we believe will be helpful for you as you explore your own healing journey.   

Do you know someone who would benefit from counselling?

Consider gifting a counselling card to someone in need.

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resources, and coping strategies!


To share, to connect, to inspire, to learn

NICOLE FAKAUA B.A. Psych. I M.C. Counselling I R.C.C

Summer, Sunshine, and Stress

For many kids with a trauma background, summer holidays can also be stressful! Normal routines have been bypassed by longer, leisurely days filled with a degree of flexibility and unpredictability on many fronts.

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NICOLE FAKAUA B.A. Psych. I M.C. Counselling I R.C.C

Adverse Childhood Experiences and their Lifelong Toll

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “Childhood experiences (referred to as Adverse Childhoood Experiences (ACEs)…have a tremendous impact on future violence victimization and perpetration, and lifelong health and opportunity.

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NICOLE FAKAUA B.A. Psych. I M.C. Counselling I R.C.C

The ’12 Days’ of Christmas Calm

With the holiday season in full swing, and the ballot of the 12 days of Christmas barreling in the background, it’s so easy to get caught up in the crazy Christmas chaos that can take over our lives. As wonderful a time of the year as Christmas is, it can also equate to a whole lot of stress.

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